Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Vmware on ubuntu 9.10

I just installed VMware on my ubuntu 9.10.
I am going to run a Windows 2k3 server with MS SQL 2008 dev on it.
I am not using mySQL because im studying the MS one in school. But maby after this course I'll try installing mySQL.
Here is a link to the install help page.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Office 2010 - Ubuntu 9.10

I just got this link for Office 2010 public beta. Tomorrow i am going to try installing it on Linux with Crossover.
Get Office 2010 here!

A little bit of bypass.

I just remembered a page called slashdot. I used to read it about 5-6 years ago and i finally found my way back. One thing that caught my eye was an article about a vaunerbility in the linux kernel. Its a bug that gives the exploiter full access to your computer. You can read more about it here.

If you want to see a full list of witch Kernel Versions are vulnerable you can check out securityfocus.
And if you dont know how to check your kernel version you can type uname -r in the console.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

3 at night and my desktop starts to look good

I just found a few sweet things to modify my desktop with. i got a bit more of a mac feeling to it. :D The bar on the bottom is called cairo dock and it was easy to install after i followed this guide.
Here is a small peak of how it looks so far.

Ubuntu is on my laptop!

Ok so i decided to try it out! Ubuntu as a desktop platform.
So far so good. I managed to install Flash 10 on 64bit platform. It was not so hard tho.
I think i tried it a year ago with 8.10 and i couldn't get it to work. Now i just downloaded a .tar.gz file containing a .so file that i put in ~/.mozilla/addons and it started working right away after firefox restart.

I installed a nice firefox blogg addon to. It is called ScribeFire. It lets me connect to all my blogs. It's perfect.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

creating FTP server of your Ubuntu machine.

Since i want to have a Web-server on my machine i am going to install a FTP server on it so it will be easier for people to upload material for their website. I looked around on the net and found proFTPD server. It will do for now but i later on I want encrypted traffic for safety. I found a pretty nice guide how to set up this server on this page. LINK

I added users with a command called useradd. Pretty easy to use and you will find some nice howtos for adding users and groups on this site. LINK
Dont forget to add -m so home directory is created.
To add password to user you just write
passwd (username)


Since i like graphics and stuff like that i want to have a little bit easyer to administrate my ubuntu server. By using webmin you get a web interface where you can controll almost evrything.
You can look in logs and configs. You can even change configs and mount disks in Webmin.

To install webmin i used the onlyubuntu blog that has written a good howto for ubuntu users.

There is one thing i changed tho and its the wget path

wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.340_all.deb

is old so i just changed the numbers to the latest version

wget http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin_1.490_all.deb

Firewall on Ubuntu

Now i fiugred i need a firewall for my Ubuntu Machine. Since you can never be to safe when securing your network. But when i think about it i dont have any ports open.

Even so i am going to enable the built in Firewall in Ubuntu that is called Uncomplicated Firewall. I dont realy know if you can call it a firewall since it uses netfilter. Its more like a easyer way to set up IPtabels rules.

Check out this page if you want to know more.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Morning come with updates and Apt-get

I was just a little bit curious about new updates and installed packages on my system.
Since ive bin installing a few packages through apt-get i wanted to list all the packages so i would know witch ones i had.
I found this apt howto on debians site and found theese commands.

installs new packages.
apt-get install

Update/Upgrade all packages
apt-get upgrade

clean up the local repositories
apt-get clean and autoclean

find packages
apt-cache search

update repository list
apt-get update

Monday, November 9, 2009

Trying to install iFolder on Ubuntu

I am trying to get iFolder to work on Ubuntu. Ive almost done it through this guide.
All tho i have no clue what the admin pass is yet ;D

Check out more on this site to get the guide to iFolder.

Mounting devices permanently

I have a 500gb harddrive that i am going to mount to /mnt/share
first i need to create the partition and format it.
fdisk /dev/sdb
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb
after doing this i need to get the UUID for the drive.
ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
then i edit /etc/fstab and add:
UUID=theUUIDonTHEpartitionYOUwantTOmount /mount/path filesystem defaults 0 0

or in my case

UUID=bf40fffa-a352-4188-8b6d-293be3ef029b /mnt/share ext3 defaults 0 0

After this i changed the owner to my main user name and chmod to 750

chown -R username:username /mnt/share
chmod -R 750 /mnt/share/

Maby i am going to change the chmod later on.

After evrything was set i checked the mount table with df command.

Ubuntu 9.10 / Putty and Networking restart FAIL

I have changed the eth1 network adapter to static by editing the /etc/network/interfaces file.
When i am trying to restart the networking service it does not work. Trying with two commands but still it's failing. I need to check this out. It worked well in 9.4 but seems to be something weird with it in 9.10. When i am trying the service networking restart command i get a message
restart: Unknown instance

After a while i lost connection to the machine. I could not reconnect or ping to it so i had to connect a screen and keyboard to it. Now when i pulled the plug to the machine and rebooted it that way it had changed IP. Its most likely cause i saved the /etc/network/interfaces file to get the right IP i wanted. And that file is loaded in the start of ubuntu.
However i tried the /etc/init.d/networking restart command and it worked here. but the
service networking restart command did not work.

Seems pretty weird that the shortcut command does not work. Have they removed it? I loved that command

Installing SSH to remote Ubuntu 9.10 server

Now i have installed Ubuntu server 9.10 and i am ready to start configuring it. Since i don't have any computer screen or keyboard connected to the server i want to be able to remote it with SSH.
So before i put it in my closet i am going to configure SSH.
I start with installing openssh server on it with
Since I am going to use the root account for a while now i am going to start a Root shell instead of wighting sudo all the time.
sudo -i
then i install the server
apt-get install openssh-server

After the install was complete i configured the sshd_config file under /etc/ssh
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
then i used 'i' to input text to the document
PermitRootLogin NO
AllowUsers (Username), (username)

After i made the changes i saved and quit :wq! to save and quit in vi.
after this i just restarted ssh and the server was ready to be put in the closet.
service ssh restart

ext3 or ext4 Filesystem?

I was first thinking about using the new ext4 filesystem but since im lasy and it seems like Ext4 isnt stabel yet so ill stick with the ext3.

- Problems with ext4 lock-ups when deleting files.
This is kind of bad thing since I'm going to use it as file server. Witch means downloading, deleting, editing, moving files.

- Switching to ext4 needs some grub configuration

- possible data-loss resizing ex4
I dont think im going to resize my drives to often but maby its gonna happen since i dont know how big partitions i want on different mount points.

Link: 1,2

Ubuntu 9.10 Install

I'm installing Ubuntu 9.10 at the moment. There has not bin any problems so far. While writing this I am going to partitionate the harddrive. I got a 50gb harddrive that im going to use for the root system. Im not that into making 5 different partitions. My plan is tho to partitionate my 500gb harddrive for www folder, share folder, torrentfolder, ftp folder and /home/.

The damn installation fails at 43% it says "Starting up the partitioner" "Scanning disks..." I hope its just because the 500gb disk is quite big and needs some scanning. Ah now it continues.
After install I am going to install the SSH and hide the damn thing behind the couch. Optiplex GX270 isnt that beautiful. :/

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Beginning of things

Welcome to my linux project page. This project is about creating a home fileserver. I want to have access to all my fiels wherever i am. That means desktop, laptop, school, friendsplace or maby even browse them on my phone.

I am going to use a P4 2,8ghz 1gb ram, 500gb computer and I am going to run Ubuntu Server 9.10 on it.